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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(6): 812-818, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-897036


Abstract INTRODUCTION Ectopic forms of schistosomiasis are those in which the parasitic element is localized outside the portal system, the natural habitat of the helminth. Although the prevalence rates of schistosomiasis are high in Brazil, clinical and epidemiological data on ectopic forms of the disease are still scarce. METHODS Cross-sectional, retrospective and descriptive epidemiological study in which cases with a confirmed histopathological diagnosis of an ectopic form of schistosomiasis were analyzed. The cases were selected from a database of the anatomic pathology files of a referral center. RESULTS Of the 21 cases identified, seven affected the female genital tract and five the male genital tract; four cases were identified in the peritoneum; two cases involved lymph nodes and two involved adipose tissue; and renal involvement was detected in one case. CONCLUSIONS The lack of knowledge of the clinical presentation of ectopic forms of schistosomiasis makes the early identification and treatment of this form difficult, with direct implications in the reduction of morbidity and mortality in endemic areas.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Jeune adulte , Schistosomiase à Schistosoma mansoni/épidémiologie , Schistosomiase à Schistosoma mansoni/diagnostic , Schistosomiase à Schistosoma mansoni/anatomopathologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Prévalence , Études transversales , Études rétrospectives , Adulte d'âge moyen
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 39(6): 515-520, nov.-dez. 2012. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-662781


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação cicatrizante de própolis verde e vermelha, correlacionando ao teor de flavonoides MÉTODOS: Foi realizada a quantificação de flavonoides totais dos extratos etanólicos de própolis verde e vermelha para posterior incorporação em pomada base a 20%. Utilizou-se 20 ratos Wistar distribuídos em quatro grupos: solução salina a 0,9% (S), pomada base (B), pomada própolis verde (G), pomada própolis vermelha (R), todos submetidos à confecção de lesões excisivas na região mediana do dorso. Os ratos foram tratados diariamente durante 15 dias. Neste período foram observados peso; temperatura corporal; diâmetro das feridas. Para análise histológica, amostras das feridas foram coletadas. Ao fim do experimento foram realizadas coleta sanguínea e remoção do rim e fígado para análises bioquímica e histológica. RESULTADOS: Os teores de flavonoides totais das própolis verde (4,50 %) e vermelha (5,92 %) foram elevados (>2 %), mas, embora a segunda apresente teor maior que a primeira, a evolução da própolis verde, macro e histologicamente, foi melhor na reparação das feridas. Não foram observadas nefro ou hepatotoxicidade, resultado corroborado pelos ensaios bioquímicos (TGP e albumina). A própolis influiu na redução de colesterol total, triglicerídeos e glicemia. CONCLUSÃO: Não foi possível correlacionar o teor de flavonoides totais com a ação cicatrizante da própolis. O dado revela a necessidade da elucidação dos flavonoides encontrados em cada classe de própolis para desvendar qual (ou quais) flavonoide(s) seria(m) representativo(s) no processo cicatricial.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the healing action of green and red propolis, correlating it with the content of flavonoids. METHODS: We performed quantification of total flavonoids of green and red propolis ethanol extracts for subsequent incorporation in ointment base to 20%. We used 20 Wistar rats divided into four groups: 0.9% saline (S), ointment base (B), green propolis ointment (G) and red propolis ointment (R). All animals were submitted to excisional lesions in the midian back region. The rats were treated daily for 15 days. During this period we observed weight, body temperature and diameters of the wounds. For histological analysis, samples were collected from wounds. At the end of the experiment we performed blood collection and removal of the kidney and liver for biochemical and histological analyzes. RESULTS: The levels of total flavonoids of green (4.50%) and red (5.92%) propolis were high (> 2%), but, while the latter showed a content larger than the former, the evolution of green propolis was better in the repair of wounds, both macroscopically and histologically. There were no nephrotoxicity or hepatotoxicity, a result confirmed by biochemical tests (ALT and albumin). Propolis influenced the reduction of total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose. CONCLUSION: There was no correlation between total flavonoid contents and the healing action of propolis. This reveals the need for elucidation of the flavonoids found in each class of propolis to unravel which one(s) would be important for the healing process.

Animaux , Mâle , Rats , Propolis/usage thérapeutique , Cicatrisation de plaie/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Flavonoïdes/analyse , Propolis/composition chimique , Rat Wistar
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 57(2): 234-238, mar.-abr. 2011. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-584078


Atipias de células glandulares em esfregaços cervicovaginais é um achado citológico na rotina de rastreamento do câncer cervical, que aumentou nas últimas décadas. Sua constatação é importante clinicamente, pois é alta a percentagem de casos associados com doença cervical e endometrial de alto grau e câncer. Este trabalho avaliou, por meio de uma revisão sistemática, estudos que investigaram o perfil das lesões de colo uterino em avaliações histológicas de seguimento de pacientes já diagnosticadas com células glandulares atípicas. Foram excluídos os estudos cuja investigação diagnóstica não incluísse o diagnóstico histopatológico. Realizou-se uma busca abrangente de publicações no período de 1966 a 2009, nas bases do LILACS, SciELO, PubMed/Medline e Old Medline. Os artigos omitidos na busca eletrônica também foram incluídos. Estavam de acordo com os critérios de inclusão 19 artigos, que foram selecionados. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar se a atipia celular glandular observada inicialmente na citologia relacionava-se histologicamente com a presença de lesões benignas, pré-neoplásicas ou neoplásicas. Dos 19 estudos selecionados, 11 mostraram maior correlação entre atipia glandular com patologias benignas e seis com lesões escamosas pré-malignas.

Atypical glandular cells are a common finding in cervical cytology in cervical cancer screening and its occurrence has increased in the last decades. The identification of these cells is clinically very important due to its association with cervical and endometrial dysplasic lesions and cancer. Using a systematic approach, this article reviewed studies investigating cervical lesions that are characteristic in patients previously diagnosed as having atypical glandular cells. Studies in which diagnostic investigation did not include histopathological diagnosis were excluded. A comprehensive search for available material in LILACS, SciELO, PubMed/ Medline and Old Medline databases, dated between 1966 and 2009 was performed. Articles omitted by the electronic database search were also included. Nineteen articles met the inclusion criteria and were selected. This report aims at evaluating whether atypical glandular cells, initially found in cervical cytology and subsequently identified at the histological analysis, are related to the presence of benign, pre-malignant and malignant lesions. Eleven out of 19 selected articles showed the highest correlation between atypical glandular cells with benign diseases and six with squamous pre-malignant lesions.

Humains , Femelle , Adénocarcinome/anatomopathologie , Col de l'utérus/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs du col de l'utérus/anatomopathologie , Adénocarcinome/diagnostic , Dysplasie du col utérin/diagnostic , Dysplasie du col utérin/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs du col de l'utérus/diagnostic , Frottis vaginaux
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